Ch. Remedi's Diamond ROMX CGC TDI ,
Ch. Remedi's Sodalite,
Ch. Remedi's Amethyst OA OAJ
Remedi's Sapphire
Remedi's Written in Stone
Ch. Merchant Jasper Farebrother 
X Ch. Three D First Noelle
Gem, Soda,Tootsie, Star and Mason were our very first litter. Soda's job has been to stay at home with Tom.
Gem was bred twice producing 21 puppies, is the mother of nine Champions and has a ROMX,
Tootsie was the first Sussex in the history of the breed to achieve an Agility Title,
Star went to a lovely home where she lived a full life and was very loved by Kate,
Mason, past away at 6 months from an intessuception.
Gem - Top Brood Bitch ~ 2004
Gem is enjoying retirement & playing iwth her generations of family.
Tootsie, Soda & Gem, Dec 2007
Gem, Soda, Tootsie and Jasper Summer 2001
Tootsie was owned and loved by
Gem December 2010, age 12
This was our very first litter !